[ Software ][ TrackMaker ][ TrackMaker61]

NAV61 Features (data acquisition program)

Display functions:

  • Displays locations of logged GPS positions and current location of an operator in real time while in Navigation mode
  • Scale of map is user specified (meters or feet) and it scrolls automatically once the end of the screen is reached
  • All channels of EM61 are displayed with moving graphic bars and in numeric form, EM61 battery level and state of fiducial marker are monitored continuously
  • Current GPS antenna position in Latitude/Longitude, type of differential corrections (AGPS, DGPS, RTK, Phase), PDOP or other equivalent parameter (depends on NMEA used), number of satellites, and number of GPS positions in the file
  • Display of positions of previously collected data (with any instrument supported by TrackMaker or Multi) allow to insert new survey lines or trace lines surveyed with different instrument
  • Positions of interpreted anomalies which are entered as an ASCII file allow you to navigate to points of interest

Survey parameters:
  • Survey modes supported (Auto, Wheel, or Manual)
  • Maximum rate of data acquisition is 16 Hz (assuming 1 Hz GPS output)
  • New Line, New Station, Comment entry
  • Change of scale in Navigation and Profile modes at any time
  • Maximum 14,400 GPS positions per data file (4 hours of continuous data collection assuming 1 Hz GPS output)

GPS functions:

  • Configuration of logger serial port to accommodate any GPS settings
  • GPS output monitoring
  • Support for NMEA messages: GGA, GGA/GSA, GLL, POS, LLQ, LLK, GGK, and stream from Leica Robotics Total Station TPS1100
  • Option to act as a stand-alone GPS logger, which would allow data to be collected in GXY file format (compatible with any TrackMaker or Multi program)
  • Offset for GPS antenna in any direction

Specifying the NAV61 system geometry